Stop Deforestation

Corporate greed is driving the destruction of entire rainforest ecosystems to make the products that line our store shelves. Every massive brand and bank we move from policy to action influences the entire industry. With your help, we can bring powerful public pressure to bear on corporations to stop deforestation and end human rights abuses.

Nippon Paper Group Put On Notice: Bushfires Change Everything

Forty-one environmental groups have today written to Japan’s Nippon Paper Group, which owns the Opal Australian Paper mill in Maryvale, Victoria, Australia, detailing concerns around the company’s Australian supply chain. The…

Keep Forests Standing
Campaign Launch!

Today, we’re putting 17 brands and banks on notice: end deforestation and the expansion of logging and industrial agriculture into the last tropical rainforests of Indonesia, the Amazon, and the Congo Basin, in particular areas traditionally owned and managed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities…NOW.