Help Frontline Communities Hold Corporations Accountable

From Indonesia to the Amazon rainforest, and all across the world, frontline and Indigenous communities are fighting to have their legal rights and their ancestral lands respected. They’re fighting to protect their forests, their culture and their ways of life. These Forest Defenders have protected 80% of the world’s biodiversity against corporate greed. Join the frontline community resistance and take action in support of local and Indigenous communities –– holding the line and protecting forests for us all!

Keep Forests Standing: Brands Must Stop Deforestation

Brands and banks are responsible for driving the destruction of rainforests, the violation of human rights, our worsening climate crisis, and the extinction of entire species — all to make a quick profit from commodities like palm oil, soy, cocoa, pulp and paper, beef, and timber We must hold them to account and put an end to the devastation.

Forests Fight for the Climate

Forests are one of the best defenses against the climate crisis. And Forest Defenders are our greatest champions against deforestation. So our best solution to the climate crisis? Respect Indigenous rights to Keep Forests Standing. We’ve had the solution all along.

Global Forests

Home to half of the world’s biodiversity, rainforests impact all life on Earth. They provide the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Rainforests are also our best defense against climate chaos. That makes them the most priceless places on Earth.

The Money Behind the Big Business of Burning

Tropical forests do not burn by themselves — Big Agribusiness is setting the fires intentionally, as it’s the cheapest way to clear new land for palm oil, pulp and paper, soy, and beef. But they need the cash from the world’s mega banks and investors like fire needs oxygen — to defend our forests we need to defund the fires.

One Year Later: The Rainforests Are On Fire

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire; and where there’s fire, there’s greed. One year later & rainforest FIRES are back in the Amazon & Indonesia, driven by corporate greed, polluting our planet, & destroying lives and livelihoods. Last year was horrible but this year is on track to be WORSE.

UPDATED: Follow Up from the Frontlines

UPDATE: RAN has now been able to provide over $400,000 in grants to frontline and Indigenous-led organizations in the Amazon region since last year’s fires, thanks to RAN supporters!

Fires Week of Action 2020

We’ve teamed up with allies around the world to hit hard the brands and banks responsible for driving tropical deforestation and to support the communities directly impacted by this devastating destruction. Here are four ways you can help us stop the fires and put an end to the big business of burning, this week and beyond!

Rigged Games

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics and its corruption scandals are directly tied to rainforest destruction: The Games’ timber supplier Korindo was “allegedly engaged in questionable deals” as they bought up rainforests in Indonesia to harvest timber and develop palm oil plantations. But to date, the Tokyo 2020 organizers have failed to disclose how much Korindo wood they used, rejected six complaints we brought against them over their use of Korindo wood, and only partially disclosed where the wood was sourced from.


Rainforests are as essential to our survival as they are to the survival of our planet. They’re home to wildlife found nowhere else on Earth and provide livelihoods for millions of people. But massive corporations are making huge profits off of tropical deforestation and the terrible human rights violations that come with it.