Grist: Cargill promises to stop chopping down rainforests. This is huge.

“Everything I’ve been reading about the U.N. Climate Summit had been making mepretty gloomy, until I read about the New York Declaration on Forests. The first notice was a press release from the Rainforest Action Network informing…

RAN Responds to Cargill’s Forest Pledge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014 CONTACT: Laurel Sutherlin, 415.246.0161 | Bill Barclay, 415. 659. 0512 The following is a statement from Rainforest Action Network Executive Director…

E Magazine: Palm Oil Production and Rainforest Destruction

“Most public health advocates applaud efforts by processed food producers, restaurants and fast food chains to get rid of so-called “trans fats”—partially hydrogenated oils added to foods to improve texture…

Eco Business: US doughnut giants make deforestation-free pledge

“Doughnut giants Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme have made pledges to source deforestation-free palm oil for the sweet treats they produce – a first for the industry. American doughnut and coffee…

Press Release: Palm Oil Giants Hit Pause Button On Bulldozers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, September 19th, 2014 CONTACT: Laurel Sutherlin, 415.246.0161 Palm Oil Giants Hit Pause Button On Bulldozers Moratorium on forest clearance for palm oil plantations a ‘step…