Goldman Prize Winner Takes P&G Fight to Cincinnati

Delima Silalahi knows a thing or two about holding corporations accountable: Her recent campaign work turned the tide in a decades-long struggle between Batak Toba Indigenous peoples, stewards of some…

Long Isun Fights for Borneo’s Vanishing Rainforests

For more than a decade, the community has fought logging and palm oil development on their ancestral land, which is home to one of the last intact rainforests in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province. The community is fighting to protect some of Borneo’s last intact rainforests from companies connected to Mondelēz and Procter & Gamble — and they need your help.

Indigenous Land Stewardship Keeps Forests Standing

With the climate crisis in full swing, protecting ecosystems that stabilize the climate like tropical forests is more urgent than ever. Forests naturally store massive amounts of carbon in the…

Looking Ahead: Seven Priorities to Guide us in 2023

It’s 2023 and the clock is ticking as we race toward 2030 — the indisputable, internationally agreed upon deadline to cut global emissions by half if we want to mitigate…

RAN Annual Report 2021-2022

Our strength is in our NETWORK. We stand at a critical juncture for life on planet Earth. At stake is our climate, the rich biodiversity of flora and fauna that sustains us, and the future that our children, and their children, will inherit.

The Forest Stewardship Council Risks its Reputation

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) General Assembly meeting in Bali this October resulted in far-reaching changes to the FSC’s sustainable timber and paper certification scheme. Changes to the 1994 conversion…

Aerial view of lowland rainforests corridor for Sumatran Elephants that is threatened by palm oil expansion