15 Stunning Photos from The Last Place on Earth [UPDATED]

The Leuser Ecosystem, one of the most important rainforests in Southeast Asia, is being destroyed for massive industrial development including the expansion of palm oil plantations.

September 5th is the Global Day of Action for the Amazon

Indigenous earth defenders have put out an urgent call for international solidarity and Amazon Watch, the National Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), and Extinction Rebellion are mobilizing a Global Day of Action for the Amazon on September 5th, directed at Brazilian embassies and consulates — but also the global corporations profiting from Amazon destruction.

September 5th Global Day of Action for the Amazon

Amazon Fires: How Can You Help?

If you’re like us, you’ve been watching the news over the last few weeks in horror. The fires in the Amazon are beyond heartbreaking and devastating. Rainforest Action Network and…

The Elephant Bridge

We’ve really got something to celebrate after “World Elephant Day!” Thanks to your petitions, strong negotiating by our campaign team, and powerful media exposés, we’re so very pleased to announce the protection and connection of the rainforest bridge Sumatran elephants use to migrate between critical parts of their habitat…their home.

Happy elephant

Countdown to the Olympics

Nissin Foods, the inventor of instant noodles, is a major sponsor of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. And Nissin uses palm oil, a major driver of deforestation, in its popular Cup Noodles and Top Ramen products. We’re calling on Nissin to cut Conflict Palm Oil from the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Nissin Olympic torch - make 2020 a deforestation-free Olympics

Investigation underway into forest loss for palm oil in Leuser Ecosystem

The Indonesian government’s palm oil company PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) I has responded to recent revelations published by Rainforest Action Network that lowland rainforests have been cleared within its plantation, PTPN I Blang Tualang, with a statement of commitment to being a guardian of the forests of the Leuser Ecosystem.

Aerial image of critically important lowland rainforests inside and adjacent to PTPN I Blang Tualang’s palm oil concession in need of protection. October 2018.