Will the real Billionaires please stand up?

I don’t mean to start sounding like a broken record, but I really do love it when I scan the news and find reports of actions challenging banks’ investments in…

Our New Grassroots Video!

Our friends Ryanne and Jay, over at Ryan is Hungry recently made an amazing video to help get folks excited about RAN. Giving a presentation to a group of students?…

Our New Grassroots Video!

Our friends Ryanne and Jay, over at Ryan is Hungry recently made an amazing video to help get folks excited about RAN. Giving a presentation to a group of students?…

Our New Grassroots Video!

Our friends Ryanne and Jay, over at Ryan is Hungry recently made an amazing video to help get folks excited about RAN. Giving a presentation to a group of students?…

Ken Lewis – wish u were here

Last Friday found me up Kayford Mountain in West Virginia, gazing at a horrific Mountaintop Removal site and wishing that Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, were by my…

Dynegy’s Georgia plant cancelled!

After the bad news about the Wise County Virginia plant being granted it’s permits and beginning construction that very same day – it sure was good to hear that not…

Bank of America’s Coal Investments Revisited

Abigail: Thursday, June 26 Activists in Charlotte paid a visit to B of A’s headquarters today, holding a banner that read “DIVEST FROM COAL” and passing out information on the…

Climate Ground Zero Action Camp: Day 2

I’m sitting in front of the Greenpeace communications van, the pride and joy of Richard “Sky King” Dillman. Despite our relatively remote location, can transmit live audio, video or text…