Climate Justice and Coal’s Funeral Procession

About a month or so after the Capitol Climate action I wrote a movement strategy piece to reflect on its lessons. It is the cover story for the May issue…

Air Pollution Endangers Lives of Six in 10 Americans

One of the biggest culprits behind air pollution is – you guessed it – dirty coal plants (that would be all of them.) Global warming, acid rain, massive amounts of…

I really don’t like Big Coal

I really don’t like Big Coal. I don’t like it when they blow the tops of mountains. I don’t like it when their power plants pollute local air and water….

44 Arrested at Duke Energy’s Headquarters

Community members engage in civil disobedience to prevent the construction of coal fired facility. This morning, the Cliffside Climate Action brought hundreds to Duke Energy’s headquarters in Charlotte North Carolina…

44 Arrested Protesting Cliffside Coal Plant

A few hours ago hundreds of protesters converged on the headquarters of Duke Energy in Charlotte NC to demand a stop to the construction of the Cliffside Coal-fired power plant….

Why I might not invest in that coal plant after all

So there I was, thinking about this GREAT opportunity I just heard about to invest in a new coal-fired power plant. But then, just yesterday, our own special envoy for…