Seattle Activists Target JP Morgan Chase

Activists in Seattle have been busy lately targeting their local JP Morgan Chase branches. Here’s a description of last Saturday’s protest from Chad in Seattle: “It was another fun filled…

Fight MTR in Atlanta On March 1st

Reposted from It’s Getting Hot In Here By Matt Wilkerson If you live in the Southeast and want to do something for the struggle against mountaintop removal coal mining come…

Rebranding of Chase as Mountaintop Removal Financier Goes Viral

Last Thursday, Rainforest Action Network along with several online allies including, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, the Waterkeeper Alliance, the Ruckus Society and others re-branded JP Morgan Chase in social…

Want an Awesome Yacht? Destroy the Environment.

In the last couple of weeks a slew of articles have come out announcing last year’s earnings for some of our favorite CEO’s. • JP Morgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon…

Big Banks Not Winning Any Popularity Contests

Its easy to hate banks. From the vicious and predatory Mr. Potter in Its a Wonderful Life to the detached George Banks in Mary Poppins, bankers in TV and movies…

RAN Responds to Jim Fuschetti…. Again

Martin Mudd is an anti-strip mining activist who manages a Facebook group asking that JP Morgan Chase stop financing mountaintop removal. Members of Martin’s group closed their accounts with Chase…