Philly Activists Protest EPA

Anti-mountaintop removal (MTR) activists in Philadelphia set up a lemonade stand in front of EPA’s region 3 office yesterday afternoon. But this lemonade was made with “contaminated” water to represent…

New EPA Coal Standard Saves Lives

The EPA just announced a new standard for sulfur dioxide emissions from coal fired power plants. According to the EPA in an article in the New York Times, this new…

Gulf Coast vs. Tar Sands: Environmental Deathmatch

Last week, we reported that Canada’s tar sands have just become the biggest source of oil imports to the US. This week we compare tar sands to the other big…

Keeping an Eye on Big Banks

RAN has a strong history of pressuring the financial sector to take responsibility for where it invests money – and we are not alone. Here’s a peep at some websites…

West Virginia Court Violates 8th Amendment Rights

The injustice coming out of Appalachia these days is deafening. And disturbing. In fact, it’s bat shit crazy. On May 17, two Climate Ground Zero activists, EmmaKate Martin, 18, and…

A New Video from Chicago Chase Activists

RAN Chicago and The Topless America Project participated in last week’s day of action against JPMorgan Chase’s financing of mountaintop removal coal mining. They visited a Chase branch in Chicago…

Digging for Answers on Coal?

Here’s a list of great resources for keeping up-to-speed with the movement to keep coal in the ground. Coal Swarm Find out about coal in your state, existing and proposed…

Cleaning up The Other Royal Bank

We’ve been going after the Royal Bank of Canada for bankrolling the tar sands for some time now. Today, we went after the other Royal Bank–the Royal Bank of Scotland–with…

Credit Suisse, No Financing for Mountaintop Removal Mining

Check out this excellent article by Andy Kroll at Mother Jones that examines how “Wall Street darlings” JPMorgan Chase are “underwriting environmental Armageddon” by funding mountaintop removal coal mining companies,…