Occupy Movement Starts Showing Up on Bank of America Doorsteps

As the authorities attempt to evict Occupy protestors from public spaces, they are  showing up at Bank of America doorsteps across the country. Yesterday, in Charlotte, environmental activists showed up…

People Power Is Changing Our Banking Behavior

Over the last few weeks since we launched our “Not One More Dollar” campaign, thousands of you have committed to stop doing business with Bank of America until the bank…

Remember, Remember The 5th Of November

Remember, remember the 5th of November — because this Saturday is “Bank Transfer Day.” BTD is a highly popular Facebook event (over 70,000 are attending) initiated by Kristen Christian, a…

Reverend Billy Is Free!

We just got this update from Reverend Billy of the Church of Earthalujah: Reverend Billy has been acquitted of all charges for last year’s action on Buy Nothing Day at…

It’s Time To #OccupytheBoardRoom

It’s time to #OccupytheBoardRoom. Thousands of protesters have been occupying Wall Street for the past several weeks to take their demands for social and economic justice directly to the richest…