The Countdown to a Verdict in Ecuador Has Begun

The plaintiffs have submitted their final arguments — known as an “alegato” in Spanish — to the court in Lago Agrio, Ecuador, citing the “overwhelming” evidence of Chevron’s culpability for…

Diego Borja’s Latest Dirty Trick For Chevron

Perhaps you saw the news last week that Chevron’s self-described “dirty tricks guy” in Ecuador, Diego Borja, has fled California to evade being served with a subpoena. I feel compelled…

WikiLeaks: Chevron Negotiated Oil Project With Iran

Last I checked, Chevron was still a US company and hence subject to US laws. But surprise, surprise: Chevron has little regard for the law when there’s money to be…

Top 10 Ways To Celebrate World Rainforest Week

Happy World Rainforest Week! How will YOU celebrate rainforests from October 17-24? Please add your ideas, activities, and commitments as a comment to this blog to keep our thoughts and…

Chevron Needs To Get To Work

Why did we get to work to clean up Chevron stations today as part of the 10/10/10 Global Work Party? The answer is pretty simple: Chevron refuses to clean up…