I’m running for Emergildo

Who knew that leg stretching and laps could challenge the CEO of one of the world’s largest and most powerful corporations? I arrived in Houston, TX yesterday (yeehaw!) to run…

Special Election! Cast your vote for the worst corporation of 2009!

Corporate Accountability International, a membership organization that protects people through campaigns that challenge abusive corporations, wants you to cast your vote in their Corporate Hall of Shame (http://bit.ly/8QxAKG) The Corporate…

Making Art and Community for the Capitol Climate Action

Yesterday, over 60 people showed up at one of our convergence spaces for the Capitol Climate Action to spend the day building art and holding direct action preps for March…

The “No Coal Zone” with Mike Roselle. If only…..

UPDATE: Ron Arnold of Center for the Defense of Free Interprise and the Wise Use movement has come out with a statement in support of Roselle: “02/11/09 Mike Roselle –…


Youth action frames the conversation at the UNFCCC in Poznan, Poland Young people from around the world made their voice heard today at the UN Framework Convention on Climate change…

RAN Grassroots Stick It to Palm Oil

I know, I know – after the past couple days, Halloween seems like it happened about three months ago. But I wanted to share my excitement with you about last…

Why the Bailout is a BAD Idea

If you’re like me and have a feeling this is a crappy deal but you weren’t sure exactly why, take a look at David Sirota’s latest article on the subject….