Chicago Plays Pranks on Fossil Fool JPMorgan Chase

Reportback from RAN Chicago: In celebration of Fossil Fools Day, RAN activists in Chicago “fooled” customers by taping off drive through ATM’s and posting signs stating “this bank has been…

Growing Resistance to Coal in the West

The spirit of Ed Abbey has returned home. The fight against Big Coal is not just in Appalachia anymore. Most publicized on this site and in the media is the…

Reverend Billy brings the mountaintops back to Chase bank

We’ve been hearing updates from across the country of activists and groups who are protesting Chase bank’s role in financing mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. This may be the…

Mountain Justice Spring Break

This week I’m at Mountain Justice Spring Break with folks from all over Appalachia and the east coast. Ex-coal miners, college students, people from Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia,…

Massey’s War on the First Amendment

I often post details on various Climate Ground Zero and Mountain Justice actions happening in the Coal River Valley and other parts of West Virginia and Appalachia. It’s often a…