Yes to Sunflowers, No to Coal Plants

It’s been a tough week for the climate movement as Tim DeChristopher, one of our strongest and most articulate voices, was sent to prison for two years. But amidst the…

Rev. Billy Exorcises BP from London’s Tate Modern

This just in from Reverend Billy: A coalition of earth activist groups including Art Not Oil, Climate Rush, UK Tar Sands Coalition and Liberate Tate recently approached the Church of…

Spreading the Peaceful Uprising

Time flies. It was a little over two and half years ago that our dear friend and comrade Tim DeChristopher went into a federal land auction and stopped an illegal…

Introducing: Coal Action Network Northwest

This post was written by Nick Engelfried and originally appeared on When some people think of solutions to the climate crisis, they picture wind turbines blowing in the breeze…

Bay Area Benefit To Protect Glen Cove

Come one, come all: RAN and local Bay Area music blog Wiretap Music are proud to present a concert to benefit the spiritual encampment at Glen Cove on Thursday, June…