RAN and Allies Call on APP to Respect Human Rights

While Asia Pulp and Paper’s (APP) questionable financial dealings and destructive impact on rainforests and the climate have been widely reported, the human rights violations and social conflict associated with…

APP: The Most Destructive Company in the World?

The UK Guardian once referred to Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) as “one of the most destructive companies on the planet.” The following is a brief synopsis of why that…

Free the Wayzata 3

In what has become quite a local buzz, RAN just released a shocking video of police arresting a mother orangutan and her baby from a public bench in downtown Wayzata,…

BREAKING: Police Arrest Orangutans in Minnesota

In what has become an increasingly common sight in this upscale suburb of Minneapolis, homeless orangutans have once again been spotted protesting the agribusiness giant Cargill in locations across the…

BREAKING: “Risking Arrest for My Granddaughter”

“My husband and I are BofA shareholders, but I am a grandmother first, foremost, and forever.” – Patricia Moore, Bank of America shareholder and grandmother Today in Charlotte, NC., nine…

Alert! Desperate Orangutans Spotted Panhandling in Minnesota

A small population of homeless Sumatran orangutans has reportedly been panhandling near the headquarters of agribusiness giant Cargill on the outskirts of Minneapolis, Minnesota. It seems these distraught red apes…