Disney’s Ties to Rainforest Destruction Exposed…Again

UPDATE: On October 11, 2012, Disney announced a comprehensive paper policy that maximizes its use of environmentally superior papers like recycled and eliminates controversial sources like those connected to Indonesian rainforest destruction….

It’s a Mad, Mad World

“Some will rob you with a six-gun/ And some with a fountain pen.” -Woody Guthrie I’ve recently become a fan of AMC’s “Mad Men,” which chronicles, in my humble opinion,…

APP: The Biggest Forest Destroyer You’ve Never Heard of

Did you know that Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) is destroying vast tracks of Indonesian rainforests, threatening the survival of precious species like the Sumatran tiger, and using an aggressive…

The Triumph of Climate Politics

Got hope and change? Supply-sider David Stockman was full of it in 1981 when the Reagan Revolution swept the country. Stockman, a rising star in GOP politics, became Reagan’s Director…

Climate Action Fund: Get Action, Not Offsets

Research shows that carbon offsets aren’t working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stall global warming. That’s why RAN has founded the Climate Action Fund. In theory, a carbon offset…

Putting Wall Street on Notice

Last week, RAN’s coal finance campaign released its latest report, “The Principle Matter: Banks, Climate & The Carbon Principles.” The report shows that despite adopting the Carbon Principles — once…

The Trial of Bidder 70

“At some point we must draw a line across the ground of our home and our being, drive a spear into the land and say to the bulldozers, earthmovers, governments…