Dynegy CEO Admits Uphill Battle on Coal Fired Powerplants

More from today’s Dynegy shareholder’s meeting in Houston today. CEO Bruce Williamson, a finalist for Fossil Fool of the Year, told his company’s shareholders “that only a few of the…

Dispatches from Fantasy CCS-Land

I woke up this morning to the sight of a coal train rumbling below my window and the image of a shiny new ‘clean coal’ billboard fresh in my mind….

Public Interest Groups Oppose Carbon Capture Scam

In conjunction with the international release of a report by Greenpeace today – that identifies the ridiculous risk, uncertainty and cost associated with industry-driven plans for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS),…

Investing in Agrofuels is Dirty Business

This weekend the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) governors and directors are in Miami for their annual meeting. And where there is unaccountable and unsustainable finance, there is also a broad…

UPDATE: GM Responds to RAN Activists!

Last week I told you that RAN supporters shut down interactive features on General Motor’s new greenwashing website, gmnext.com. We posted pictures of student activists at the Detroit auto show…

Where is the action in Honolulu?

I’m in Honolulu this week, joining local organizers and activists outside the Major Economies Meeting (MEM) at the East-West Center on UH-Manoa’s campus. The 16 biggest carbon-emitting nations are here…