Why I might not invest in that coal plant after all

So there I was, thinking about this GREAT opportunity I just heard about to invest in a new coal-fired power plant. But then, just yesterday, our own special envoy for…

Breaking the Law to Bear Witness to an Evil

Check out this letter from Wendell Berry and Bill McKibben calling for mass civil disobedience outside a coal-fired power plant near Capitol Hill March 2, 2009. Click here to sign…

What is the carbon footprint of my checking account?

RAN released a new report today, “Financing Global Warming: Canadian Banks and Fossil Fuels“, which calculates for the first time the carbon footprint from financing of fossil fuels by 7…

No more ‘No New Coal’?

Thanks to the good work of the Sierra Club and a large coalition of western and Utah organizations, the phrase ‘No New Coal’ may have gone WAY out of style…

Will the real Billionaires please stand up?

I don’t mean to start sounding like a broken record, but I really do love it when I scan the news and find reports of actions challenging banks’ investments in…