Protest Update from NYC Carbon Trading Summit

The latest from yesterday’s protests at the Carbon Trading Summit in New York City: 1/13/2009 – New York, NY – In the wake of a controversial outcome at the Copenhagen…

I’m running for Emergildo

Who knew that leg stretching and laps could challenge the CEO of one of the world’s largest and most powerful corporations? I arrived in Houston, TX yesterday (yeehaw!) to run…

RAN Ghana at National Climate Change Forum

In the lead-up to Copenhagen, RAN Ghana participated in a forum to discuss their country’s negotiating position for the international climate talks and what their government can do about climate…

Why the U.S. is Strong on REDD but Weak on Climate

Here in Copenhagen (Day 5, 5:00 PM), delegates from all over the world are not surprised that the U.S. is playing a disappointing role in the climate negotiations, after all…

Earth to Chamber of Commerce Members: Change or Leave

The controversy surrounding the US Chamber of Commerce continues. The labor coalition Change to Win recently issued a report on how the Chamber has been hijacked by right wing ideologues,…

Agrofuels Are Not Low Carbon

Evidence is mounting about the social and environmental consequences of industrialized biofuels, aka agrofuels. A new paper from RAN concludes that we cannot grow our way out of our oil…