CA Lawmakers Want to Help Make Chevron Clean Up Ecuador

Last night, Emergildo Criollo, the Indigenous leader from Ecuador, met with California legislators and asked for their support in the 16+ year campaign to demand Chevron remediate massive oil contamination…

What’s Your Carbon “FOODprint”?

Brighter Planet has just come out with a report that examines the climate impact of multiple factors along the entire supply chain of producing, transporting, packaging, preparing and discarding our…

Chevron Lies, People Die.

In today’s “Chevron is a dirty liar” news: The oil giant pulls another dirty PR trick and lies to avoid paying $27 billion to clean up their toxic legacy in…

Put Climate Change on Trial

Over a year ago, in the tradition of Ed Abbey and Earth First!, college student Tim DeChristopher (aka Bidder 70) monkey-wrenched an auction for oil and gas leases in Utah…

150,000 (and counting) want to Change Chevron!

Thanks to a big push from Avaaz yesterday, there are now over 150,000 people who have signed a petition telling Chevron’s new CEO John Watson to clean up the oil…

The Human Costs of Chevron

As many of you know, there is lawsuit that has been going on for over 16 years to get Chevron to own up and clean up its toxic legacy in…

Chevron vs. RAN: Who’s Speech Is Freer?

In the weeks since the Supreme Court’s horrible, democracy-eroding ruling giving corporations unbridled spending on political contributions and advertisements under the guise of “free speech,” many of us have asked…

Group Therapy For Banks Hooked on Tar Sands

After more than a year of denial, RBC may be admitting that it has a problem in the tar sands. Tomorrow, we’ve learned that RBC will host a group of…