Will Cargill Fall for the Great Sinar Mas Greenwash?

After months of waiting for the results of the Sinar Mas “audit,” the controversial findings are finally public and it’s now up to Cargill executives to decide how they will…

G8 Madness

I spent the week of the G8/G20 in Edmonton following Twitter feeds, text messages, and Facebook updates as many of the people I have worked with over the years were…

One Kid’s Book Takes on the Climate Challenge

These days climate change is definitely a buzz phrase that you can hear all types of people talking about around town. But between phrases like fossil fuels and renewable energy…

A New Video from Chicago Chase Activists

RAN Chicago and The Topless America Project participated in last week’s day of action against JPMorgan Chase’s financing of mountaintop removal coal mining. They visited a Chase branch in Chicago…

Big Oil Profits, We Pay

Today, BP, and their contractors, Transocean and Halliburton, are testifying before Congress to determine who is at fault for the nearly 4 million gallons of oil wreaking havoc on the…

How Bolivia celebrates Earth Day

This morning my email inbox was full of advocacy groups commemorating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As the ecological systems that support life are reaching their brink, there is…

Emergildo’s Story

This past week, Emergildo Criollo, an Indigenous Ecuador leader of the Cofan people traveled 3,000 miles from his home in the Amazon rainforest to California. He came to California to…