Roaring at Barnes & Noble with Tiki the Tiger Leave it to the folks at Rainforest Action Network to make anything fun. As an intern with RAN, my job is basically to do whatever task I’m presented, so…

Transforming the Northwest into Dirty Coal’s New Corridor

The latest scheme by the Corporate Doomsday Machine (aka the fossil fuel industry) to plunder and ruin the earth for profit involves transforming the highways, waterways and railways of the…

Judging Our Right To Protest Coal

The media has paid a lot of attention to public protest in England this past week. Getting less attention is a fascinating trial of 20 climate change activists who were…

What’s The Connection Between Fractals And Rainforests?

When longtime RAN supporter Robert Wehle recommended to one of our staff that we watch the NOVA special FRACTALS: Hunting the Hidden Dimension that was the first question that popped…

Diggin’ Palm Oil Free Soap

Most of us practice personal hygiene at least every couple of days, and because many contain synthetic chemicals, a portion of those end up in our bodies and in our…

Palm Oil’s Effects On Communities Around The World

Did you see The New York Times Op-Ed on Saturday titled “The World Bank’s Palm Oil Mistake“? I sure did. The author, Thompson Ayodele, provided a narrow perspective on the…

Top 10 Ways To Celebrate World Rainforest Week

Happy World Rainforest Week! How will YOU celebrate rainforests from October 17-24? Please add your ideas, activities, and commitments as a comment to this blog to keep our thoughts and…

Climate Action and Black Crosses

Over the weekend, Big Coal’s corporate stooges flew to the gateway city of St. Louis for a carbon intensive love fest known as the “Global Energy Future Forum.” St. Louis…

When Will Chevon Do The Right Thing In Ecuador?

This morning the Change Chevron Campaign made a visit to the Chamber of Commerce’s Corporate Citizen Conference. The reason for our visit was that Chevron’s General Manager of Corporate Public…