Make Yourselves Heard On This Issue

Tuesday was quite a day for our movement. President Obama made his big speech about climate change, evoking a range of emotions. This was the first speech that I have…

Training for the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance

              When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Throughout the summer, Rainforest Action Network, CREDO, and the Other 98% will be leading…

Eye to Eye with Brian Moynihan

VIDEO: To watch more of what happened yesterday at the Bank of America shareholder meeting in Charlotte, watch the clip at the bottom of this blog post. As I stood…

The “Revolt of the Golden Toads” Bay Area Tour!

A guest blog post by Reverend Billy, leader of the Church of Stop Shopping, an activist performance group based in New York City The Church of Stop Shopping returns to New York now, after a week…

Extreme Investments: 2013 Coal Finance Report Card

Today, RAN, Sierra Club, and BankTrack launched our 2013 Coal Finance Report Card. This year’s report, entitled “Extreme Investments: U.S. Banks and the Coal Industry” evaluates the largest U.S. banks…