Barclays: The Biggest Banker of Mountaintop Removal Coal

This year’s grades for the banks that finance the worst coal companies are in, and they’re not pretty. Financing companies that use mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining practices puts communities,…

Extreme Coal – No Longer Business as Usual

For the first time since we began publishing coal finance report cards five years ago, we have an encouraging trend to report: Major banks have begun making noise about the…

Decentralized Actions Ready to Stop Keystone XL

The campaign to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has become a watershed moment in confronting climate change and fossil fuel extraction. So far, more than 94,000 people have…

The Keystone XL Resistance Training Tour Returns

We’re not sitting idly, waiting for President Obama to decide whether to approve or reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This weekend, more than 300 people are expected to…

Keystone XL Opponents Deliver 2 Million+ Comments

Tell Secretary Kerry KXL is Not in Our National Interest Washington, DC – On the last day of the public comment period, Keystone XL opponents held a rally in front…