RAN Responds to Proposed Federal Carbon Pollution Standards

On Monday, June 2, the Environmental Protection Agency announced new carbon pollution standards for power plants, the centerpiece of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan. Rainforest Action Network’s Climate Program Director,…

Coal is Poisoning the Cape Fear River

This month, Rainforest Action Network and three allies testified at Bank of America’s annual shareholder meeting, urging them to drop coal, to stop profiting from environmental destruction and human rights…

The True Cost of Coal

 This week a double tragedy has struck the coal mining industry. On Monday night in West Virginia, a coal outburst at a Patriot-operated mine killed two miners. And on Tuesday…

Mountains, Water and Community

Last week, Rainforest Action Network and three allies testified at Bank of America’s annual shareholder meeting, urging them to drop coal, to stop profiting from environmental destruction and human rights…

Shareholders Press Bank of America for Coal and Climate Finance

Rainforest Action Network, Investors and Community Leaders Take Stage at ‘Bank of Coal’ Meeting Charlotte, NC—An international coalition of shareholders and community leaders from as far away as Bogota, Colombia,…

Divestment Movement Escalates

This week, the national fossil fuel divestment movement escalated, as student blockades popped up at Harvard and Washington University in St. Louis. By the end of the week, 8 students…

Why We Are Blocking the Office of Harvard’s President

Co-authored by Sima Atri, Benjamin Franta, Sidni Frederick, Ted Hamilton, Jacob Lipton, Chloe Maxmin, Brett Roche, Kelsey Skaggs, Henney Sullivan, Tyler VanValkenburg, Jacob Lipton, Zoë Onion, Olivia Kivel, and Canyon…