Building Bridges: Connecting Animals & The Environment

There has been an unusual disconnect between the environmental justice and animal rights communities that seems to have plagued our movements for some time.  That doesn’t mean animal rights activists…

Vermont Stands Up Against Keystone XL

  This blog post is by Geoff Gardner of West Fairlee, Vermont. Geoff is a member of a No KXL activist group in the state’s Upper Valley.  This is a story…

Closing Chicago’s Toxic Cloud Factories

Last month I was in Chicago to attend the U.S. Climate Action Network’s national meeting. The keynote speaker was Gina McCarthy, head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her speech focused…

The Tar Sands Healing Walk: A Photo-Diary

Last week, a team of RAN staff travelled to Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada to participate in the Tar Sands Healing Walk, which is organized and hosted by members of…

Communities Speak Out Against Coal Plants

This morning, the EPA announced limits on carbon pollution from power plants. That’s a welcome step in fighting climate change—and it wouldn’t have happened without communities speaking out against coal plants….

EPA Announces Rules to Limit Carbon Pollution: RAN Responds

This morning, Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, announced new carbon pollution standards for power plants, the centerpiece of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan. We welcome the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to…