People’s Climate March Logistics in NYC

The air is thick with excitement and people-power as thousands and thousands are heading to New York to join in the People’s Climate March on Sunday.   Rainforest Action Network…

Diet for a Healthy Planet

Will the U.S. Government finally weigh the climate impacts of our food choices when determining official recommendations on what Americans should be eating?   All eyes are on the U.S….

Be a Part of the Biggest Climate March in History

On September 21, New York City will see the biggest climate march in history.  Be a part of it!  You know the deadly effects of climate change: more storms like…

The Coal Industry is Getting Desperate

The coal industry’s mouthpieces in Washington are getting desperate. This week, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) had this to say about the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed carbon pollution standards for power…

Pressure is working: Cargill is on the move

Today, after seven years of nonstop pressure from RAN, agribusiness giant Cargill – the largest importer of palm oil into the U.S. – made a major new pledge to root…

No U.S. Funding for Coal Plants Abroad

The coal lobby’s best friend in the Senate is trying to roll back progress on stopping climate change.  West Virginia Democrat and “mouthpiece for the coal industry” Joe Manchin is…

Ryan’s World

In late June, a team of RAN staff travelled to Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada to participate in the Tar Sands Healing Walk, which is organized and hosted by members of…

Searching For a Decolonized Mind

In late June, a team of RAN staff travelled to Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada to participate in the Tar Sands Healing Walk, which is organized and hosted by members of…