Tweet to protect the Great Barrier Reef

The U.S. government’s Export-Import Bank wants to finance a huge coal project that would put Australia’s Great Barrier Reef at risk. We are calling on Fred Hochberg, Chair of the…

New RAN fracking policy

Rainforest Action Network supports a ban (1) on hydraulic fracturing (2) for oil and gas. The best available research indicates that a ban on fracking, along with other measures to…

Eat Plan(e)t-Based on March 20, Join Meatout 2015!

March 20th is an international day of action organized by Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) that encourages the public to eat wholesome, nutritious plant-based foods for just one day. Called…

PNC Bank Policy on Mountaintop Removal a Positive Step

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 2, 2014 contact: Claire Sandberg, 646-641-6431, Today PNC Financial Services Group joined the growing ranks of financial institutions that have officially sanctioned the coal mining practice known as…

Guest Blog: Patrick Robbins, Sane Energy Project

The message below comes to you from Patrick Robbins, an ally and activist working to promote wind power for Long Island’s energy future for the following petition. Sometimes you have…

Keystone XL Veto Means Nothing Without Final Rejection

  For immediate release: February 24, 2015 Following President Obama’s veto of Congressional pro-Keystone XL legislation, Rainforest Action Network Climate and Energy Program Director Amanda Starbuck issued the following statement:…

RAN Slams Citigroup Over Greenwashing

Citigroup’s new clean energy commitment fails to reduce fossil fuel exposure In response to the announcement today of Citigroup’s five-year sustainability strategy and ten-year sustainability financing commitment, Rainforest Action Network…

Make a call to protect the Great Barrier Reef

Last week we sent a strong statement with petitions to the U.S. government’s Export-Import Bank, telling them to stay away from the Great Barrier Reef coal port expansion — a deal…