Keystone XL: RAN Responds to Latest Move by TransCanada Corp.

San Francisco, CA – TransCanada Corp., the company behind the controversial cross-border Keystone XL pipeline, has asked the Obama Administration to indefinitely suspend its application for the project and pause its…

Citigroup Announces Financing Cuts for Global Coal Industry

Monday, October 5, 2015 Contact: Blair FitzGibbon, 202-503-6141 Citigroup Announces Financing Cuts for Global Coal Industry; Becomes Second Major Bank to do so After Bank of America  Rainforest Action Network…

Citigroup Takes a Step Away From Banking Coal

Earlier today, Citigroup, the parent company of Citibank, committed to take a significant, though partial step away from banking coal. The company updated its environmental policy statement, stating that it…

Rally at Morgan Stanley: Stop Cashing in on Coal!

Last week, we launched our campaign to pressure Morgan Stanley to stop cashing in on coal.1 Thanks to your action, we have their attention. Now it’s time to up the ante….

Tell President Obama: Public lands are not for private profits

America’s public lands are being sold at bargain prices for oil, coal and gas extraction — making the world’s wealthiest companies richer, and making the world’s climate crisis worse. President…

Public Lands, Private Profits: Five Things You Need to Know

Rainforest Action Network released a new report today about the dirty energy corporations that are profiting from the broken public lands fossil fuel leasing system in this country. It’s called Public…