Rainforest Action Network statement on Peabody Energy

Rainforest Action Network Executive Director Lindsey Allen issued the following statement in response to today’s revelations concerning Peabody Energy, fossil fuels and climate change: “Today, the world’s biggest private coal company, Peabody…

BREAKING: Keystone XL is history

Today, you made history. After a seven-year fight, President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all.1 It’s you—and the rest of the movement — that we have to…

RAN Statement on Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline

Rainforest Action Network Executive Director Lindsey Allen issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline: “The president’s decision today is the result of…


On Tuesday, I sat in a half-empty ballroom in a Holiday Inn in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and watched oil companies buy up 60,000 acres of wild land to drill and frack for…

Stop the sale of our public lands

Yesterday in Wyoming, some of the world’s richest dirty energy companies bought up 76,000 acres of public lands to mine, drill and frack for private profit. I rallied with environmentalists…