3 RANimals in Poland

Three of us from RAN’s climate and energy team––Paddy, Jason and myself––have just arrived in Katowice, a small city in the heart of Polish coal mining country for COP24, the…

RAN attends cop24 2018

Chase Financing Coal Power Expansion in Poland 2018

While other European Union countries are setting near-term deadlines to sunset their nal coal mines and generating stations, the Polish government, in complete disregard of climate realities and economic common sense, is pushing ahead with a 1,000 megawatt coal- red power plant in the northeastern city of Ostrołeka.

Chase Financing Coal Power Expansion in Poland 2018 – Polish

Podczas gdy inne kraje Unii Europejskiej wyznaczają bliskie terminy wygaszania swoich kopalń i elektrowni węglowych, polski rząd, nie zważając na realia klimatyczne i zdrowy rozsądek gospodarczy, forsuje projekt elektrowni węglowej o mocy 1000 MW w Ostrołęce.

Federal judge delays the Keystone XL Pipeline once more

The notorious Keystone XL (KXL) tar sands pipeline has hit yet another major legal roadblock. On Thursday November 8, a federal judge overturned President Trump’s approval of the project, finding the administration in breach of key environmental laws.

The Day After: And Tomorrow

Our Executive Director, Lindsey Allen’s perspective on the recent US Midterm Elections and what the results mean for the forests, climate, and our work.

Voices from the Frontlines: Rose’s Story

Seventeen-year-old Rose Whipple is from the Santee Dakota and Ho-Chunk nations, and serves as the Twin Cities Organizer for Honor The Earth. She’s working tirelessly to protect her homeland from Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline. Here’s why.