Fighting Tar Sands Expansion

This case study was written by Tara Houska (Honor the Earth) and Jason Disterhoft (RAN) for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card…

Beyond China: A Look at Japanese Banks’ Addiction to Coal

This case study was written by Hana Heineken (RAN), Kimiko Hirata (KikoNet), Bernadette Maheandiran (Market Forces) and Shin Furuno ( Japan) for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate…

RWE Plans Destruction of Ancient German Forest

This case study was written Greig Aitken (BankTrack) and Kuba Gogolewski (Foundation Development YES – Open-Pit Mines NO) for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel…

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Under Threat

This case study was written by Bernadette Demientieff (Gwich’in Steering Committee), Ben Cushing, Gabby Brown, and Cara Bottorff (Sierra Club) for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate Change:…

Fracking the Permian Basin: Undermining Climate Progress

This case study was written by Lorne Stockman, Senior Research Analyst at Oil Change International for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card…

Mozambique LNG Destroys Villages and the Environment

This case study was written Kate DeAngelis (Friends of the Earth U.S.), Ilham Rawoot, Anabela Lemos, Daniel Ribeiro (JA!/Friends of the Earth Mozambique), and Dipti Bhatnagar (Friends of the Earth…

Banking on Climate Change 2019

The tenth annual fossil fuel finance report card grades banks on their policy commitments regarding extreme fossil fuel financing and calculates their financing for these fuels from 2016 to 2018.