Standing Up To Chevron

I’m an American and I’m standing up to Chevron to demand justice in Ecuador. A delegation of Ecuadoreans will be coming up for the shareholder meeting so that they can…

Chevron in Ecuador: A Defining Moment (VIDEO)

Our friends over at Amazon Watch put together this incredible video (narrated by Peter Coyote) about the historic victory scored by the Indigenous and rural Ecuadoreans suing Chevron for its…

Corporate Tax Dodgers: The Dirtiest Dozen

Co-authored by Matt Leonard Billionaire real estate investor and legendary tax evader Leona Helmsley famously said: “Only the little people pay taxes.” It turns out Helmsley was all too right….

A Bad Year for Dirty Energy

April 5th is the one-year anniversary of the disaster at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch mine, in which 29 coal miners lost their lives needlessly thanks to Massey’s disregard for…