Banks Ranked and Spanked on Tar Sands

As an ode to the  “rank ’em and spank ’em” strategy coined by our outgoing Executive Director Mike Brune, we proudly present the following roster of international banks backing expansion…

I’m running for Emergildo

Who knew that leg stretching and laps could challenge the CEO of one of the world’s largest and most powerful corporations? I arrived in Houston, TX yesterday (yeehaw!) to run…

Forget the Black Gold, Just Clean Water Please

I’m sitting opposite the ‘Hotel Black Gold’ as the sun goes down over Lago Agrio and the streets start to hum with evening traffic, people returning home from work and…

Could Chevron Have a Change of Heart?

Fabiola is a beautiful thirteen-year old girl with sparkling bright eyes and an infectious smile. As we approached her house in the village of Taracoa in Ecuador, she marched right…