Does Chevron Think We’re All Stupid?

Have you seen the way Big Oil has tried to rebrand itself since the BP oil disaster started six months ago? Each of the major oil companies wants us to…

Get in on the action: We need you to punk Chevron!

Are you offended and/or frustrated that companies like Chevron think we’re stupid enough to fall for their blatant greenwash? We agree. That’s why we just had to punk Chevron’s new…

Okay, we admit it: We punked Chevron

Activists in Washington, DC put these posters up around town to call attention to Chevron’s attempts to greenwash its image even while ignoring its toxic legacy in Ecuador. Chevron rolled…

Top 10 Ways To Celebrate World Rainforest Week

Happy World Rainforest Week! How will YOU celebrate rainforests from October 17-24? Please add your ideas, activities, and commitments as a comment to this blog to keep our thoughts and…

We “Believe in Blue” Not Chevron’s Greenwash.

Yesterday, with little fanfare the United State’s offshore drilling moratorium was quietly lifted by Secretary Ken Salazar. Six months after the worst oil spill in US history oil companies will…

REVEL IN ACTION: Announcing The Winners

The art of the brand jam is something Rainforest Action Network has worked hard to perfect over the years. This month, we gave folks in the RAN community a shot…

Breaking news: “Toxic sludge boss” brought to justice

A pipe to drain crude contamination from open toxic pools into waterways near Lago Agrio, Ecuador. The toxic pools in the Ecuadorean Amazon rainforest were abandoned by Texaco (now Chevron)…

Chevron Needs To Get To Work

Why did we get to work to clean up Chevron stations today as part of the 10/10/10 Global Work Party? The answer is pretty simple: Chevron refuses to clean up…