Chase Financing Coal Power Expansion in Poland 2018 – Polish

Podczas gdy inne kraje Unii Europejskiej wyznaczają bliskie terminy wygaszania swoich kopalń i elektrowni węglowych, polski rząd, nie zważając na realia klimatyczne i zdrowy rozsądek gospodarczy, forsuje projekt elektrowni węglowej o mocy 1000 MW w Ostrołęce.

Federal judge delays the Keystone XL Pipeline once more

The notorious Keystone XL (KXL) tar sands pipeline has hit yet another major legal roadblock. On Thursday November 8, a federal judge overturned President Trump’s approval of the project, finding the administration in breach of key environmental laws.

Who’s Banking Enbridge?

The Line 3 pipeline runs roughshod over Indigenous rights and threatens our shared climate by expanding access to dirty tar sands oil.

The Nation: The Climate-Wrecking Industry… and How to Beat It

“Recognizing that problem, organizers have sought to outflank the companies by targeting their bankers. As the protests and blockades make new fossil-fuel projects controversial, even notorious, there’s an increased reputational…

Banking on Coal Mining

The big six U.S. banks continue to finance coal mining — including a big spike in financing in 2017 — despite broadly complying with their policies to reduce credit exposure to the industry.