Where Should I Put My Money? Tips and Resources

Big banks, big problems If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you recognize that big banks, through their financing and investments, are huge drivers of climate change. In fact, 33…

The 32 Men Funding Climate Chaos

Our natural world, and the future of humanity, is in a deep crisis. And it’s not because you used that plastic fork.   We all know the daunting truth: Massive-scale…

Blackrock direct action

Defund Climate Change

May 21, 2019 Jamie Dimon Chair and CEO JPMorgan Chase & Co. 270 Park Ave. New York, NY 10017 To Mr. Dimon: JPMorgan Chase is the world’s leading banker of…

Banking on Climate Change 2019

The tenth annual fossil fuel finance report card grades banks on their policy commitments regarding extreme fossil fuel financing and calculates their financing for these fuels from 2016 to 2018.

Who’s banking the Coastal GasLink pipeline?

TransCanada is trespassing on Wet’suwet’en land to start construction of Coastal Gas Link pipeline. What banks are financing this pipeline –– and the clear abuse of Indigenousrights? Check out our rundown of who’s banking on the Coastal Gas Link pipeline.

Big Banks Have a Major Decision to Make on Keystone XL

UPDATE – January 2019: Last month, two lines of credit to TransCanada subsidiaries were set to expire — totalling USD $1.5 billion, a quarter of TransCanada’s credit available for general corporate…

Chase Financing Coal Power Expansion in Poland 2018

While other European Union countries are setting near-term deadlines to sunset their nal coal mines and generating stations, the Polish government, in complete disregard of climate realities and economic common sense, is pushing ahead with a 1,000 megawatt coal- red power plant in the northeastern city of Ostrołeka.