Hurricane Sandy Haunts CEOs at Economic Outlook Conference

As Bank of America Co-Chief Operating Officer, David Darnell, and outgoing Duke Energy CEO, Jim Rogers, met behind closed doors to forecast 2013’s corporate profits—a storm was brewing in Charlotte. Immediately…

“Stop Financing Nightmares and Begin Financing Dreams”

I’d like to introduce my friend, Paul Corbit Brown. Paul is an exceptional individual, a human rights photographer who has spent his lifetime traveling the world documenting injustice. Paul is…

The Money Behind Otter Creek Mine

This weekend I’m heading north to the Big Sky Country to join friends and allies at the Coal Export Action. Yesterday, my colleague Scott wrote about the focus of this…

Bank of America: Strong on Rhetoric, Weak on Climate & Coal

Bank of America released its new environmental initiative this morning, grandly declaring that “Today’s announcement builds on Bank of America’s legacy of leadership in the environmental arena.” While the bank’s…

Dirty Money: U.S. Banks at the Bottom of the Class

Today Rainforest Action Network and the Sierra Club released our Coal Finance Report Card 2012, our third annual ranking of the largest financiers of mountaintop removal coal mining and coal-fired…

Transforming Bank Lobbies

Someone once wrote that a bank is like a giant squid wrapped around the face of humanity. And it feels as if banks have overwhelmed the neighborhood, as I walk…

North Carolina Tax Day Actions Make BofA Pay

North Carolina activists put their training into practice today, filling Bank of America branches in five cities with the buzz of people power. The 99% of Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill,…

Wall Street Flees Wall Street

Wall Street is scared shitless. They’d never admit it, but the way the big Wall Street banks are rapidly relocating their annual shareholder meetings from the concrete canyons of Midtown…

Top 10 Dirty Corporate Tax Dodgers of 2011

Two weeks ago it was announced that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world sparking furious debate from Fox News types concerned about corporate well being….