Banks to Defend themselves Before Congress

Next Wednesday, Feb 11th, CEOs from the first eight banks to receive funding from the Treasury Department’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) will testify before congress to explain…

Banks to Defend themselves Before Congress

Next Wednesday, Feb 11th, CEOs from the first eight banks to receive funding from the Treasury Department’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) will testify before congress to explain…

Banks to Defend themselves Before Congress

Next Wednesday, Feb 11th, CEOs from the first eight banks to receive funding from the Treasury Department’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) will testify before congress to explain…

Beware Subprime Carbon

With the economy in meltdown, it’s no wonder that everyone is casting around for a fast way to make a buck. You can hardly turn around without hearing more dismal…

The Spectre of Nationalization

It wasn’t that long ago (I think we can count it in months actually) that the terms ‘nationalize’ and ‘banks’ just wouldn’t ever have been found in the same sentence….

All eyes on Wall Street – reframing the crisis

UPDATE: Activists Scale Flagpole Behind Iconic Wall Street Bull, Raise 150-Square Foot American Flag with ‘Foreclosed?’ Stamped Over It UPDATE 2: link to Flickr set UPDATE 3: High-res photo. —…

Will the real Billionaires please stand up?

I don’t mean to start sounding like a broken record, but I really do love it when I scan the news and find reports of actions challenging banks’ investments in…

Ken Lewis – wish u were here

Last Friday found me up Kayford Mountain in West Virginia, gazing at a horrific Mountaintop Removal site and wishing that Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, were by my…

I got a date with Citi! (or, Inside the Citi AGM)

I’m about to hop on a plane to Charlotte, but I wanted to capture some of the excitement from Citi’s Annual Shareholder Meeting. It was an amazing day – there…