Happy Biofools Day

Go rock the vote! This is democracy at its finest people – you choose the fool and then we’ll all go challenge them to stop their ridiculous and destructive fantasies…

Disinformation enables deforestation

A new study released in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution finds that while palm oil may pose the most direct threat to the highest number of endangered species…

Spotlight on Cargill

Have you seen the great series in the Minneapolis Star Tribune this week? One of our favorite reporters, Matt McKinney, is writing a whole week of expose on the effects…

Agrofuels: It’s not worth it

This post was written by our fabulous French communications intern, Virginie Corominas. In anticipation of a European directive that would mandate a 10 percent minimum of agrofuels in all fuel…

RAN Writes to the FSC

Coming up in November, RAN staff will be attending the FSC General Assembly meeting as one of 350 members of the environmental chamber. The FSC is the only forest certification…

5 Dirty Aspects of “Clean” Coal

Written by Sarah Lozanov Published on October 9th, 2008 – Posted in alternative energy, carbon emissions http://cleantechnica.com/2008/10/09/5-dirty-aspects-of-clean-coal/ Clean coal has been getting a lot of attention lately. Both Mr. McCain…