Menghancurkan Kehidupan dan Merampas Lahan:

Kerusakan hutan, kriminalisasi, pembunuhan … hanya sebagian dari kejahatan yang ditemukan di perkebunan milik Sinar Mas Group. Pulp dan minyak kelapa sawit hasil dari perkebunan mereka masih dapat ditemukan di makanan dan produk kita sehari-hari…

Destroying Lives and
Stealing Land

Forest destruction, criminalization, crop destruction, murder… these are only some of the crimes that have been found on these plantations, and pulp and palm oil that come from these plantations are still finding their way into our food and packaging…

Why are banks and investors still funding Indofood?

This month, 10 banks committed another $2.1 billion in loans to Indonesian noodle giant, Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur – whose instant noodles rely on Conflict Palm Oil produced by its…

Workers’ Rights and Environmental Justice

There’s no environmental justice without workers’ rights. When labor rights and the environment are fought for side by side, we not only ensure safer working conditions, we also work to build a future that is just, economically viable, and climate-stable.