Achieving Sustainable Livelihoods in Leuser Ecosystem

Global brands need to invest more in community livelihood projects that reduce emissions and help build resilient societies Scientists predict that on our current trajectory of habitat loss and global…

RAN Calls on RSPO to Strengthen Requirements

Criteria Fails to Comply with New EU Deforestation Regulations (EUDR) RSPO Risks Undermining Credibility with Weakened Standards  Contact: Jakarta Time Zone | Gemma Tillack: +61 456 843 690 US Time…

Big Wins for Forest and Communities

The most effective and efficient way to protect forest ecosystems is to protect the land rights of the Indigenous and frontline communities who depend on them. Science and history have…

“Natural” Gas is Methane

A decade ago, Rainforest Action Network coined the term “Conflict Palm Oil.” It was a part of a concerted effort to rebrand the most widely used vegetable oil in the…