PepsiCo’s Greenwashing Attempts Foiled

PepsiCo is feeling the pressure this week, as people across the country are calling on the giant snack food company to cut Conflict Palm Oil from its products. In addition…

The Power Is In Your Palm

I’m excited to announce Rainforest Action Network’s ambitious new campaign to save some of the world’s most important rainforests and the last remaining wild orangutans from “Conflict Palm Oil.” It’s…

Lush Palm Free Launch

This afternoon a handful of RAN staff headed down to the Lush Cosmetics store in Union Square to support Lush’s decision to take a stand against rainforest destruction by removing…

Long Isun Fights for Borneo’s Vanishing Rainforests

For more than a decade, the community has fought logging and palm oil development on their ancestral land, which is home to one of the last intact rainforests in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province. The community is fighting to protect some of Borneo’s last intact rainforests from companies connected to Mondelēz and Procter & Gamble — and they need your help.

Destroying Lives and
Stealing Land

Forest destruction, criminalization, crop destruction, murder… these are only some of the crimes that have been found on these plantations, and pulp and palm oil that come from these plantations are still finding their way into our food and packaging…

Make Top Ramen Deforestation Free

Nissin Foods sells around 1.5 billion servings each year of its globally popular Top Ramen and Cup Noodle products, but the company has long suffered from a lack of transparency in its supply chain and Conflict Palm Oil in its products. Tens of thousands of concerned citizens across Japan, the US and the world are speaking up against Nissin Foods, and RAN is helping lead the way!

🦏 A New Sanctuary for Little Rhinos

Yay for World Rhino Day and a HUGE WIN for endangered Sumatran rhinos. A coalition—including major palm oil companies—has announced a NEW rhino sanctuary & breeding centre in Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem! Thanks to YOU!