Oil Palm: An illegal threat too

Reuters ran a story this week on illegal palm oil development in Aceh, Indonesia. The story takes an interesting angle, completely ignoring the massive scale of legal oil palm development…

The IFC freezes funding of oil palm

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, has frozen new investments in oil palm projects and is reviewing all current oil palm projects. The IFC…

TheProblemWithPalmOil.org is ready for action

Check out our new page at theproblemwithpalmoil.org. Demand for palm oil is on the rise, and pristine rainforests are being clear-cut and burned to make way for palm oil plantations….

Oil Palm Devastating Indigenous Communities

I just returned to Kuching after visiting with seven Indigenous communities in northern Sarawak (in Malaysian Borneo). What we saw was a tragic and infuriating picture of collusion between the…