Update! Dr. Bronner’s Signs the Palm Oil Pledge.

11 companies have now signed the Palm Oil Pledge. Right after I posted the last update, we received word that Dr. Bronner’s has also committed to  only purchasing palm oil…

Ten companies sign our Palm Oil Pledge!

It has only been two weeks after our Stick It To Palm Oil day of action, two weeks since you all went to your supermarkets with your “Warning: May Contain…

Amazing Stick It to Palm Oil Reports and Pictures!

Reports from people all across North America who participated in the Stick It to Palm Oil day of action are rolling in! More than 2,000 people overwhelmed supermarkets with stickers…

Sticking It- Literally- to Palm Oil

The Rainforest Ag interns—the stupendous Peter, Aja, and Kate— and I took it to the supermarkets last week in the trial run for our August 13th Stick it To Palm…

On a mission to expose the human costs of palm oil

I just arrived in Kuching, Malaysia, after 20 grueling hours of travel from San Francisco. I’m here to take part in a fact finding mission organised by Sarawak Dayak Iban…

The Mainstream Media Spreads the Word about Palm Oil

It has been an amazing few weeks for media about palm oil. Three articles, from the Sacramento Bee, the NYTimes, and CNN.com highlighted the problems with the expansion of palm…