Malaysian Palm Oil Council tries to strikes back

Margaret just put up a great post on this blog about faulty advertising by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC). In following this story as it bounces around the net,…

Britain bans palm oil ad campaign

More good news from the palm oil world. Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority (the government agency that regulates advertising) has banned the Malaysian Palm Oil Council’s new advertising campaign, citing false…

Whole Foods Comes Out With Palm Oil Statement!

We are happy to announce that Whole Foods Market has become a voice for change in the palm oil industry and has written a statement in alignment with RAN’s Pledge…

Occupy the Amazon so as Not to Lose it—with Palm Oil

Believe it or not, palm oil isn’t just being produced in Southeast Asia, the Pacific or in West Africa. Increasingly, massive palm oil plantations are sprouting up throughout Nicaragua, Costa…

Conflict Over Palm Oil in Colombia

Here is an important new story that just came out on BBC news about palm oil expansion in Colombia. Although Indonesia and Malaysia still produce the vast majority of the…

RAN Grassroots Stick It to Palm Oil

I know, I know – after the past couple days, Halloween seems like it happened about three months ago. But I wanted to share my excitement with you about last…