First Reported RSPO Certified Palm Oil in North America

Last week, a huge milestone for the palm oil industry went largely unnoticed: The first ever batch of 100% Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)-certified, segregated palm oil made it’s…

No Blood for Palm Oil

The land grab crisis in Indonesia is getting worse — with tragic consequences. On Tuesday, six unarmed villagers were shot while harvesting palm oil fruit on their own land. Jakarta…

Slave Labor For Palm Oil Production

Despite the 7.2 magnitude earthquake, tsunami and successive volcanic eruptions from Mt. Merapi this November, I made my way to Indonesia to attend the 2010 Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil…

Diggin’ Palm Oil Free Soap

Most of us practice personal hygiene at least every couple of days, and because many contain synthetic chemicals, a portion of those end up in our bodies and in our…

Palm Oil’s Effects On Communities Around The World

Did you see The New York Times Op-Ed on Saturday titled “The World Bank’s Palm Oil Mistake“? I sure did. The author, Thompson Ayodele, provided a narrow perspective on the…

Palm Oil Key Focus at General Mills Shareholder Meeting

Yesterday marked a huge shift in the U.S. food industry – it’s now official that the world’s sixth largest food company is taking concrete action to address their controversial sourcing…