Dr. Andrew Weil: Conflict Palm Oil Bad for People and Planet

Top trans-fat replacement still clogs arteries, plus causes deforestation and child labor SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – With the FDA widely expected to announce a ban on trans-fats within the year,…

BIG Palm Oil Players On The Move

Some of the best moments in life are the ones when you realize you are part of something BIG. Now is one of those times. With your support, RAN and…

How to Drive Change Through the Palm Oil Supply Chain

Over the past ten years, the disappearance of Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s most rich, pristine, and biologically diverse rainforests has been accelerating faster than ever. These rainforests are now ground zero…

Thank You, We Did It! Palm Oil Tour Highlights

Wow, what a whirlwind the last 2 months have been! November is here and Melanie and I are finally home in San Francisco after being on the road for the…

Conflict Palm Oil Case Study – Cargill and Snack Food 20 At Risk!

Clearance of forest for a new Bumitama palm oil plantation. Photo: The Centre for Orangutan Protection[/caption] [TRIGGER WARNING] This article documents rainforest destruction and incidents of orangutan fatalities in relation…

What is the Price of Palm Oil?

What is palm oil? Why are rainforests being burned down for palm oil? How can you help stop rainforests from being burned down for palm oil? These are good questions—and…