Building Labor’s Power to Stop Exploitation of Palm Oil Workers

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia – RAN just finished hosting an inspiring and humbling two-day Palm Oil Labor Principles Workshop outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The intensive discussions involved dozens of representatives from…

Women’s Voices: Mom to Mom – NO More Conflict Palm Oil

‘Sunday’s People’s Climate March was the largest demonstration for climate action in history, with more than 400,000 people — from all walks of life and all over the country and…

E Magazine: Palm Oil Production and Rainforest Destruction

“Most public health advocates applaud efforts by processed food producers, restaurants and fast food chains to get rid of so-called “trans fats”—partially hydrogenated oils added to foods to improve texture…

Press Release: Palm Oil Giants Hit Pause Button On Bulldozers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, September 19th, 2014 CONTACT: Laurel Sutherlin, 415.246.0161 Palm Oil Giants Hit Pause Button On Bulldozers Moratorium on forest clearance for palm oil plantations a ‘step…