How Cargill is Saving Humanity… and the World

If you made $5 billion clearing a community’s forest and community food garden, polluted and drained their rivers, but gave them a tree and a bucket of clean water in…

Cargill’s Not so Secret Expansion Plans in Indonesia

If Cargill’s PR stunt a few months ago left you feeling confused about the company’s role in driving deforestation and potential orangutan extinction in Indonesia, you might find it helpful…

Tragedy in Tripa: Cargill Can Make a Difference

Last week hundreds of fires blazed through the Tripa peat forest of Indonesia, threatening the survival of one of the largest remaining populations of wild Sumatran orangutans in the world….

A Lonely Voice For Forests, People, And The Climate

In an interview, Dr. Marc Ancrenanz of HUTAN notes that oil palm plantations cover a staggering 14,000 square kilometers of Sabah, one of the two states in Malaysian Borneo and…

ADM vs. Responsible Palm Oil & Human Rights

Unlike 2008’s showdown, nobody from RAN attended this year’s Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) shareholder meeting to hold CEO Patricia Woertz’ ass to the fire. Nonetheless, ADM did not get away…